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Physitrack Plc (publ): Physitrack acquires Fysiotest, enhances product offering and expands addressable market

Physitrack will pay a total cash consideration of SEK 15.0 million upfront for the acquisition, and a further potential aggregate earn-out consideration of SEK 55.0 million over four years subject to stretching growth targets in alignment with Physitrack’s being achieved in that period.

Physitrack, Front Desk integrate patient engagement solution in new partnership

The digital physical therapy, telehealth and patient engagement platform from UK-based Physitrack is getting a boost in users thanks to an integration with Australian practice management system Front Desk.

Physitrack features on Health Professional Radio

Physitrack Partner & Program Director Asia Pacific Marijn Kortekaas provides a brief background on their product and explains how their Digital Therapeutics Platform helps practitioners and patients achieve better outcomes.

Independent Scientific Study Proves Significant Positive Impact on Patient Journey

The world-leading Department of Physiotherapy of the University of Melbourne, Australia, has published a multi-year, independent scientific study of exercise adherence among patients recovering from orthopaedic injuries in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

Digital physical therapy company Physitrack goes public in $20M IPO

European digital physical therapy and patient engagement company Physitrack went public on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market earlier this month with an original offering of SEK 40 ($4.69) per share.

NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation enhances patient care with Physitrack

NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation, devoted entirely to inpatient and outpatient care, research, and training in rehabilitation medicine for both adults and pediatric patients, is rolling out Physitrack: Patients can instantly access key content via a Physitrack-powered patient portal and apps, where they can engage with a clinician, watch video demonstrations of their prescribed exercises and record compliance, enhancing patient outcomes and improving choice as they progress through their journey.

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Physitrack Plc (publ): Physitrack acquires Fysiotest, enhances product offering and expands addressable market

Physitrack will pay a total cash consideration of SEK 15.0 million upfront for the acquisition, and a further potential aggregate earn-out consideration of SEK 55.0 million over four years subject to stretching growth targets in alignment with Physitrack’s being achieved in that period.
September 30, 2021

Digital physical therapy company Physitrack goes public in $20M IPO

European digital physical therapy and patient engagement company Physitrack went public on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market earlier this month with an original offering of SEK 40 ($4.69) per share.
Kesäkuu 29, 2021

Physitrack Is Chosen to Spearhead Digital Innovation for Physiotherapy at Circle Health Group

Physitrack Limited has been chosen by Circle Health Group, the UK's largest private hospital provider, to deliver new digital services for physiotherapy patients. Through integration with Circle Health Group’s other IT systems, Circle’s clinicians will be able to use Physitrack as a virtual tether with their patients to prescribe remote home-exercise programmes, provide pre- and post-operative education and analyse outcome measures – all via Physitrack’s easy-to-use web and mobile apps.
April 28, 2021

CBI Health Expands Its Commitment to Digital Health by Enhancing Client Care With Global Engagement Leader Physitrack

Physitrack Limited has been chosen by CBI Health, Canada’s leading provider of community-based health services, to deliver an enhanced digital client experience with Physitrack’s award winning digital solutions. Through integration with CBI Health’s other information systems, CBI Health clinicians will be able to utilize Physitrack to prescribe remote home exercise programs, deliver client education and review client outcome measures – all via Physitrack’s easy to use web and mobile apps.
April 26, 2021